Empires of the North: Barbarian Hordes
Spieleranzahl: 1 bis 4 Spieler
Spieldauer: 60 Minuten
Altersempfehlung: 10+
What happened? where did she come from They hide behind our borders, worship foreign idols, maintain bizarre customs and no one, but really no one understands their gibberish. Full of curiosity, they're not the most sea-savvy of folk, but their rafts and anger keep them afloat. Now the time seems to have come when they want to annex an empire in the north.
Empires of the North - Barbarian Horde introduces two new Clans, more precisely Barbarian Clans, as well as 6 new Islands! Players can now also play as the Boudicca clan, pirates who roam the seas with their boats, or the Urvart clan, who have spies all over the world and are acquiring the knowledge of foreign peoples.Of course, both clans bring their own new clan cards into play.
This game is an expansion and can only be played with the base game Empires of the North!
72 Karten
8 Hinterhaltsmarker
7 Schiffsplättchen
5 Floßplättchen
2 Wertungsplättchen
1 Spielanleitung
Mit Spielregeln in folgenden Sprachen: EN