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Gaia Project - The Lost Fleet EN

37,59 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


Spieleranzahl: 1 bis 4 Spieler

Spieldauer: 1,5 Stunden

Altersempfehlung: 14+

Gaia Project - The Lost Fleet EN
The long-awaited expansion to Gaia Project brings you new planet types, new peoples and new options for action. Above all, the structure of the game changes. Outdoor sectors expand the playing field. Spaces in the middle of the galaxy are opening up and you have to explore the ships of the lost fleet with your new shuttles.
Expansion - Can only be played together with the basic game GAIA PROJECT.


50 satellites

30 spaces

27 exploration shuttles

16 mines

14 marker stones

13 artifacts

12 action tokens

12 basic technologies

9 exploration boards

8 alliance markers with gold borders

8 outdoor sectors

8 trading centers

6 expansion technologies

6 exchange components

6 research laboratories

6 Gaiaformers

6 power rings

6 tinker tiles

4 academies

4 Automa components

4 round boosters

4 Gaia planets

4 ship boards Lost Fleet

4 knowledge indicators

3 round scoring tiles

3 final scoring tiles

2 action overviews

2 credits indicators

2 ore indicators

2 new people boards

2 government seats

1 adapted government headquarters Lantida

1 adjusted economy bar

1 tile colonizing new planet types

1 tile to supplement the scoring board

Mit Spielregeln in folgenden Sprachen: EN

Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet.

Hersteller:Feuerland SpieleNassaustr. 365719 Hofheim am TaunusGermany