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53,99 €
inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand
Auf Lager


Spieleranzahl: 1 bis 5 Spieler

Spieldauer: 90 Minuten

Altersempfehlung: 14+


Sammu-ramat is a cooperative game set in the Near East 800 BC. She was a wonder of a woman, ruling a large empire in turmoil, navigating it into a period of prosperity. But a great leader needs great Advisors. As Sammu-ramats Advisors, your mission in each game you play is to assist her through one of the many challenges that she encountered during her reign. This challenge is presented to you as a scenario, found on a Challenge card that you draw during setup. Apart from completing the scenario, players need to make sure that the Empire is stable and that Queen Sammu-ramat is safe.
Vision: The designer Besime Uyanik's vision is to spread the knowledge of Sammu-ramat, nuance the image of the Assyrian Empire and highlight a strong female leader. Sammu-ramat continues Ion Game Design’s strong line of history-focused thematic games, giving life to the story with game mechanics and illustrations


Map Board

Empire Board

Save Sheets

1 Cloth Bag

Challenge Cards

Character Cards

Ashur Cards

Event Cards

Player Aid Cards(Actions and Icons)

Token Aid Cards(Tech and Effect Tokens)

Punchout Tokens(Tech, Goods, Effects, Characters)

Empire Meeples(Military, Diviner, Supply, Medicine, Enemies, Ishtar Gate)

Mit Spielregeln in folgenden Sprachen: EN

Hersteller:Ion Game DesignAllhelgonagatan 511858 StockholmSweden